The Children's Section

This thing.  The view of it when another up close aims at the little triangle.  If they aim at it directly the camera glitches on the back of their car, for a third person game.

What's most fascinating is the way child noobs want to crawl on it.  Players I've never seen before hide behind it from the bullies, hanging around it to feel safe.  There's just something about it that imparts trust to those in fear.

Scale ~

At 3-3/4 inch action figure scale, the size is determined by the size of a control room with four seats, set in the middle of the required space of the expansions.

So around three feet wide, tall enough that a 3-3/4 figure could barely stand underneath it.  I want to keep the show and toy scales the same as much as possible.

Unfolding ~

If one were to pull the top back, it would gear the control room forward over the front legs, swinging out the the sides with overlapping floors over the left and right, the top now high over the back legs with the levering gears beneath it.

The control room would sit a bit high, with the cover on there would only be enough room to sit.  This allows room for the flooring, little stairs go down.

As the left and right swung out as geared, there are no outer walls yet, these would have blocked the control room's fore view and the mechanism.  So with that extra room on one side, there can be a kitchen in the floor under a folding hinge.

Little refrigerator with a little door, maybe some toy food inside, countertop and sink.  There could be plates.

Which leaves less floor room to work with on the other side, just bunks on the wall two by two, floor raised, to just below that of the control room (to fit the fridge on the other side when it's folded).  Little stairs go down.

In the center the table and chairs on the floor that pushes up from beneath the space required to fit these as their walls flip up.  The bathroom would be in the back wall that swings down from the top with a ladder for going topside.

Alarm clock goes off, cereal and parents at the table, school bell rings to class.  School bell rings to the schoolbus noise, cartoons, homework, dinner and dolls then out go the lights.

Running through the woods terrified, pursued by the shadows.

A look over her shoulder as they get near to touching her, then a knock into something hard, falling back unconscious.  Waking up suddenly, wide eyed.

Different shots in the same cuts ~

Alarm clock goes off, cereal and parents at the table, school bell rings to class.  School bell rings to the schoolbus noise, cartoons, homework, dinner and dolls then out go the lights.

She sleeps.

While out the window, a bright flash and a growing breeze before it's all taken.

~ The Children's Section ~

(credits to be clipped from these opening five parts)

She crouches in the bush before the broad path waiting, a boy pops up over her shoulder.

Boy - "What are we doing ?"

Girl - "Sh.  I'm waiting."  Annoyed, "And who are you anyways why are you in my dream !?"

Boy - "Um.  Excuse me but you are in my dream.  And when I wake up, you'll be gone so you 'sh'.  Jeez.  Now what are we doing ?"


Girl - Brow furrowing ... "Waiting."

Boy - "For wha ... "

Girl - "Sh.  Listen."


The distant sound of stomping ...

Boy - "What is it ?"

Girl - "I don't know yet.  That's what we ... 'I' wanna find out."

Boy - "It's not your dream, it's my dream."

Girl - "Whatever."

A distant tree crashes over, then another and another approaching the clearing.

Girl - "O my God there it is."

Boy - "Whoa ... what ... is it ?"

Girl - "You ask that a lot.  I don't know.  Sh.  You'll scare it away."

He looks at her ...

Girl - Looks back annoyed, "What he's shy.  All I've ever seen is his foot."

Boy - "Foot ?"

Girl - "Yeah it was metal and it almost killed me."

Boy - "You can't die in dreams."

Girl - "We'll see.  Get down !" 

She pulls him down into the bush as it enters the broad path, turning in circle on its surrounding twelve legs to look around before continuing.  She peeps a look over the bush, wide eyes, it turns to and rushes to directly before her as they both draw back.

It blows a horn like many tubas croaking in differently fluctuating tones as they wince their eyes, before a ladder drops.


Another kid peeps over from the edge of its platform, "Come on !  The nightmares are coming."

Boy - "Steps out, hey ... what are you doing in my dream ... "  A distant roar as a dream monster, screams pursuing.  "Oh.  You're here to save me.  That makes sense."

Other kid - "Kinda !  If that means hurry up where you come from."

Another kid peeps a head over.

The boy works his way up the ladder, the girl anxiously behind, he makes the platform as it comes into the clearing.

A massive parental effigy of horror roars into the clearing - "! Why haven't you done your homework !?"

~ The children all scream.

Girl - Sits suddenly up in a bunk, "! But I did my ... "  
Looks around the room ... annoyed.  Then realizing she's inside the beast, four bunks wedged between the wall of a command center, the rest of the children there.

Girl - Edges to the core, "Why didn't I wake up ?"

Driver - "We don't anymore."

Passenger - "We don't know why."

Boy - "Do you want to ?"

Looks between each other.

Boy - "I'm Mike."

Girl - "Ari."

Driver - "Sam."

Passenger - "Gabby."

The creature's horn roars ...

Sam - "That's Xenofix."

Ari - "How do you know ?"

He points to the plaque on the wall.  'Xenofix 6-74'

Gabby - "We were wondering about another two ... "

Ari - "What do you mean ?"

Sam - "Four chairs.  Might wanna sit."

Something strikes the walker's side hard.  She grabs the seat as it stops and turns. pulling herself into it while it opens fire as the cockpit view turns to a nightmarish beast in the sky.

A dark horse on torn wings, edges as if ripped into this world with a horn glowing with power as it swoops for another strike.  Rider with sword held high screeches ~

Nightmare - "We will have them beast !  We will take them All."

The walker roars back firing through it, as though shredding its tenuous existence here, pushing it back before the holes are greater than the whole and its gone.

Ari - "That should have ... are we ... "

A loud clanging sound before the roof pulls back and the control center pushed forward, the sides opening up into their home, walking form the opening into the trees, crashing those in the way.

The black horse of the name Alabast and its rider wisp in over a landing before a clearly evil castle.  Itself a massive creature of similar design but beyond massive and black, yet somehow more organic in its form.

An irony set in evil, that this thing would appear to belong in nature more, but be wanted by it less.  It's bitterness, its fate.  While from its view it watches as many of these silvery machines walk through the woods before it.

~ Views of other walkers, one with swing-sets swinging children underneath it as it walks, another with laundry being hung on a line strewn from platform to pole,  yest another still with balloons tied to the back.

Out to the many more, so tiny as seen from the similarly shaped castle's heights, etching their paths through the woods.

The castle as if it had grown too massive to move though with an occasional twist of steel pulling against the overgrowth and crystallization of time dripping at its feet, it does try.

Red trimming beneath the appearance of root grown musculature, gurgling like lava taking it.  The rider disembarks, a lithe thing of evil with a sword sheathed on its side, her red eyes glowing to match the power surging though this place.

Before her the broad doors open between two giant guardians of stone, black like obsidian and sharded at the edges.  Through the doors she walks the great hall to the throne ahead, a gathering of likewise evils mulling in wait.

She kneels before the chair.

Cybal - "My lord.  They are ... unnatural.  And yet somehow encoded to dream."

Bal - The guy on the throne, "Dreams in the valley of Death ... he holds no honor for the oldest of ways ... "

He stands and draws his own sword to examine it. 

His armor as the giant guardians but formalized.  Sharded to one side and draping down a shoulder over an arm gone wrong like a cloak as a cast to hold and heal it.  The good arm rests the blade in that wronged hand, turning it over in examination.

Bal - "But my war with him is my own."  He looks at her under a helm half shattered, bone stitched with flesh beneath.  A muscle fiber lashes over as it heals. 

"Follow them.  Chart their conjoining paths.  And take that knowledge to the Cartographer.  I will have the power we need to undo these unnatural things soon enough.  Scatter the wood with things children fear, to see to where they run and soon enough, we will know where and go to meet them there ... "

A laugh, he sheathes the sword into the next scene.

Voiced over the walker's entry into a grove, "For if they, would dare, to dream here, then let it be in nightmares."