~ two

As the pass the field tall shadows dart through the trees following.  A tree cracks in half with one's passing, the Xenofix stops and turns in place toward it.

Ari - "Why are we stopped ?"

Sam - "We don't know more than you do."

Ari - "Right.  Because you're in my dream."

Mike - "Am not."

Sam - "I was talking to her."

Gabby - "That's really weird."


Ari - "That is weird.  But why did we stop."

Gabby - "No that's weird."  She points out the window.

Three human forms approach but their proportions are all wrong as they get closer, soon looming over the walker at twice its height.  If the average toy is 3-3/4 inches tall these would be four times taller than the average man.

Long robes in the colors of woods and flowers trimmed in dew, silvery in the shadows but golden in the sun.  A light armor beneath, held to the back by shoulder blades over a spine in decoration, as archers with their quivers set between.

The lead flips her bow around, draws the string to the handle to collapse it into a blade with its handle holding it forth, she sheaths it.

Eve - As they circle it in examination of it, itself turning between, "We've heard of these ... of you ... but why are you here ?"

Lilith - "Will there be more of you ?"

Naamah - "We should burn it."

Eve - Gives her a look, "We thought you were a nightmare."  She looks around then back down, then closer, "Oh my god are there people inside of you !?"

Naamah - "Gross."

Lilith - "We're taking you to the invisible king."

They heft it kicking onto their three sets of shoulders and carry it away ...

The general attire of this place is purposeful.  Essentially I want to have badass options that easily clip over standard Barbie and Ken clothes, but sticking in the fantasy end.

A ranging populace from nobility to gothic, alley thieves cloaked in black.  The place itself white pillared with overgrowth of the wood creeping in and through and over time encompassing the architecture, while their advancements adapted.

Their acceptance of the little people (us) over time is accepted as the walkways bet between places shows, if not just to keep them from being underfoot.  With settlements and dwellings branching there off.

The smaller people seem mostly as something between merchants and politicians, their families therein with the occasionally conspiring wizard who still stares at the tall in awe.

Whose movement seems always aware of this, graceful and slow as they loom looking down with a smile at those looking up, a sideways grin to the wizard standing eye to eye on the platform then a wink, full aware of all his plans.

He turns away with a cautious eye returned.

Ahead a tall tower stands over with a four sided top.  From it a lion's faces them as they're on the shoulders of these giants toward it, another side the face of a man, the next an ox and the last an eagle.

The tower's squared top turns to show the face of the man, looking at them.  A courtyard beneath the four pillars it stands on, an empty throne surrounded by court.

They drop it at the throne's feet and the king appears, already leaning forward in amazement.

Naamah - "It has little people in it."

King - "Ew.  Well why did you bring it here then ?"

Lilith - "Because you said we were insane !"

King - "Well it is insane just look at it !  I mean ... you said it was made completely of metal.  This has tiny people inside so it is not a robot.  This is clearly a ... "  He looks to his guard, "What do they call those again ?"

Guard - Cracking his knuckles, "That would be a cyborg sire."

King - "Yes ... a cyborg sire ... open it."

It draws back, they kick it forward.

King - "And take out the little people I want to see it do things without them.  Then it's a robot.  Then I will apologize."

Eve rolls her eyes and bops it on top of the core popping it open, the four children terrified in their seat pushed into his face.  He examines them ... snaps his finger and leans back.

King - "Do not be afraid."  He looks around annoyed and snaps his fingers again."  We love tiny people here."  Looks around still annoyed, then back to reassuringly, "We forgive you."

A maid rushes in with a large platter and holds it out in front of their seats smiling.

King - "Please.  We have a dispute to settle.  We love you here.  Please."



King - Smiles, "Yes !  Well."  Speaking very clearly, "We think you might be a cyborg sire's brain."

Guard - "Kind of looks like a head."

King - "It does kind of look like a head."

They slowly get out of the seats and step onto the platter, the maid slams the dome lid on and prances away.  "Yay !"

King - "Finally."  Looks to the Xenofix, "Now you ... "  They all lean in as it closes back up drawing back ... "do a little dance ... "
