The Children's Section

Sam - Sitting at the breakfast table with his family, "And there was this ... bad man on a dragon ... "

Dad - "Dragon ... well ... that sounds pretty cool."

Sam - Laughs with post dream relief, "It was cool ... but it was really scary when I thought it was real."

Mom - Giving more eggs, "It was real honey.  This is the dream.  You know we're not together anymore."  She and his father turn to the window. 

The flashing light.

Gabby wakes up in her bed at the Standing Treeline, she looks out the slotted open window, the sun rises.  Sam sits up, looks at her confused, returned.  

Mike - Standing at another window nearby, looking out.  "It's time."

All the children gather at the hall with their following heroes before parting to their Xenofix units.

(open credits)

Bal opens his eyes, awakened on the throne.  The sun rise seen through the open doors, Cybal walking toward from the light.

Cybal - "They're leaving the Sidhe woods as we speak." 

He stares at her breathing hard.


Cybal - "My lord."


Cybal - "Why ... "

Bal - "Why."


Cybal - "Why do you care ?"

Bal - "Because.  It is insolence."

Cybal - "But why are they here ?"

Bal - "Because.  They are lost between a dead world, and on which lives waiting for them."

Cybal - "Why ... "

Bal - He stands and walks past her to the morning light, paced by war on the mind and the sound of rising troops.  "Why ... "  A laugh.  "Why Cybal ... why."

Cybal - "They are ... but children."

He stops.  

Stands shaking in a gathering rage, throws up his arms high with a roar, cracking his power through the rooftop and into the sky, the dragon above circles the beam with a celebratory roar as the mountain side shakes its legs loose.

The castle quakes beneath their feet, his shaking hand slowly draws the sword ...

Bal - "I'm not ... afraid of you."

Cybal - "Yes you are." 

She draws fast and strikes hard, blocked by his own and pushed back.  These are heavy blades, broad strokes with full body balance, a shaking floor in motion as the beast tears itself from the earth.

The Maid flies upward over the invisible kingdom singing the notes to Flight of the Valkyries as the people below look up.  When over the throne, the invisible king looks up.

The ice cream cones fall like a row of bombs as she sings ... splatting in a row lading to him, directly in the face.

She lands atop the high four faced tower and drops the platter, kicking the lid off for the chef to rise.  He looks to the distant castle still struggling to free itself, the other way to the walkers trailing for the river, the protective wall.

Ari - All riding in the Xenofix, "This is it."

They all look at each other.

Mike - "If we don't ... "

Gabby - "I think you're all really cool."

Ari - "Yeah.  Me too."

They turn for the window.

Bal - Circling with Cybal, "Why ... why why why Why WHY !  I will Tell you why.  Because this is Not his land.  It is Not his world to march his unnatural things through, and these children, are Not his to save.  Why.  Why Why WHY Do you CARE !?"

"I am a God of Death !  A Lord of Hell ... Pain belongs to Me and Me Alone !  Pain ... is What I AM ... "

Cybal - A tear in her eye, "But that's ... not true."

Bal roars into a hard swing, next scene with the clang of her block ~

~ As an echo in the night.

The nightmares gathered at the wall, in the silence before battle, ironically afraid.  Twitching at sounds and twigs, looking to each other for comfort.

In this their smoke settles to people like obsidian gods, chiseled and sanded to their forms.  A cold breath exhales ... the crashing sound of a tree, forms in the shadows of the wood.

A row of heroes marching in every archetype imaginable.  Horrors to monsters, heroes to gods, manga dancers and wandering ronin, the tree line crashes over behind with the line of Xenofix.

As the castle grinds from the stone, twisting in protest of it's stature, the dragon lands, swiping the guards away as a nuisance it peers its large head through the doors.  Unable to fit past the nose, it starts working its way in at the loss of brick and mortar.

Inside their blades clang, outside the beast uncaps its volcano in its struggle as the lava flows.  While on the distant isle, a gurgling beneath the platform as the lava there lowers in response.

The dragon works in further, looking for a clear shot on her with its snarling fire. Breathing in ready for one, the sound of a cartoon Boink !  Bangs its head on the doorway top in pain and wriggles it's neck from the door and looks back in a fury.

A flying unicorn stuck by the horn in it's butt like a tack.

It roars with a whip of a tail sending it cartwheeling and takes off flying after in an explosion of really angry.

Guards rush the chamber where Bal and Cybal fight as the castle frees its last limbs.

Bal - "To STATIONS !"  Growling against Cybal's blade, "This one ... is for ME."

Outside the castle roars its own multi-chambered call, freed at last while Calypso chases Alabast in circles around, hopelessly trying to catch it in fire.