~ two

The heroes in a row, children watching eyes wide at their own numbers, all come to a stop. 

Adam - Stepping forth, "Nightmares !  Fear us."

The Xenofix all blow their many horns, filling the clearing before opening fire over the charge.  The nightmares roar back, their towers sending catapult, answering the charge with their own.

The dark castle stumbles and kicks through the last falling stones, the volcano in full eruption behind.  The sudden change in the lava's flow heats the sea causing it to rise, if floods the cave made by Cybal, splashing water over the steaming platform.

A crack in the molten stone, a crack beneath in iron with something smooth beneath.

Cybal - A traded blade sends her skidding to her knees.  She looks to her sword, her fist clenched over it holding her up.  "You had so many beautiful ideas.  It could have been so much more than this.  You could have been ... "

Bal - "What."  He sends an energy blast throwing her.  "What could I have been."  Again, knocking her hard against a wall.

Cybal - Looks down at her blade again ... "I still believe in you."  It grinds against the stone as she leaps into charge.

While on the battlefield blades clash, ignited pult rounds ignite the trees behind, and almost immediately the Sidhe appear.

At the isle water splashes over more steam, cracks stretching across its own blockage, the lava pouring elsewhere from that evil mount, the dragon still chasing the mare over it in great frustration and misplaced breath.

At the tower over the Invisible Kingdom, the Chef and Maid struggle with the controls.  The king is noticed standing behind them with an ice cream cone's remnants.  Clears his throat.

Finishes his cone, inserts the key and turns it.

The distant castle beast approaching, the tower lowers as it's upholding pillars bend at their knees.  If an Ezekiel machine were vaguely modeled after a virus, which a description it (very) vaguely fits.

But also as the toy that would stand tall to hang things from, or low where the knees would be at the same height as the tower square, to hold a small tabletop.

To play with the playsets on or decorate a little girl's room.  Pale with golden accents.  The four faces of the top turn around a center circle where they stand.

0:39 ~ It turns to the human face forward becoming visible and blasts a beam from the mouth through one of the dark castle's many towers. 

The barrage of flaming catapult struggles with its lean and side walking gait, the king at the controls with confidence.  The cook behind his left with arms crossed, behind right, the maid shoves cake into the kings mouth as though it were to fuel this machine itself.

And on the isle not so far away, the lava has (con) descended, bursting instead from the mountain behind the dark castle.  The mold which formed this Xenofix city begins cracking off in large pieces as it breaks from them like an egg, taking the surrounding mountain walls with.

Until it crashes beneath it, falling heavy into the bubbling water.

While in that dark castle, beneath the dragon chasing the unicorn in a rage, Bal and Cybal still fight with their heavy swords swinging hard, circling on quaking floor.

At the front parts of the wall are taken, Xenofix units making the river.  One by one they gently turn in the flow toward the sea, where the Mountain sized city built so much like them starts to peak from the water, immediately firing on the similar castle.

With its catapults launching on its walk, the broad steps already nearing the line.  A Xenofix takes a pult round, stumbling it.  It grinds back up and continues.

A strike to the dark castle direct through the front drops the floor beneath Bal and Cybal, bringing the ceiling down with it, trying to stand the floor breaks again.

The Xenofix XO makes land, walking through trees and stripping them, loading them into the belts for the guns.

Inside the crumbling castle, they stumble to, and with a stare, he roars another swing.  With a scream she takes off his forearm, stumbling him back swordless.  She leaps to the advantage, first hacking, then hilt pounding.

Until she tosses the sword and tears off the armor to the child beneath.  He looks around, the castle crumbling, then up at her.  "Mom ?  What's ... happening ?"

She hold him close and pulls him under her robe, above the dragon is pulled roaring and flailing back into the sky.

Cybal - Crouching and holding tight while the castle starts total collapse, "It's okay.  I'm here.  It's okay.  ...  I'm so sorry."  She looks up, "Alabast."


He descends the rooftop hole as it begins caving in behind.  And now they're flying away fast, through the basement network, as that collapse dominoes the rest.

Outside where nobody knows, the giants finish it.  At the front the Xenofix Heroes take the last of it, the walkers one by one floating off in slow spin, their massive likewise turning from the dark castle's destruction, to meet the walkers in the sea.

The army of gathered heroes watch them float away, joined by this massive thing which could now be called an island.

While in the invisible city, things return to rest.  Its own heroes returning, save one.  The three look up, as does Adam from the woods, watching Alabast land.

She dismounts carefully with Bal wrapped in her cape, apparently sleeping, nd brings him to the king.

Cybal - "Your turn."

King - A laugh, he takes the child and watches her turn to depart.  "It was good to see you."

Cybal - She stops.  Looks back, "Yeah."  Mounts her flying fucking unicorn and she's off.

Closing credits as the Xenofix (plural) drift in slow spin to the sea, one by one colliding with the mother.  They climb its legs from the water, to the island to meet and left off there.

After credits ~

King - Holding the sleeping boy as they're joined by cook and maid all watching Cybal fly away.  Smiles around at them then back to the sky, "I think that went rather well, don't you ?"

All are in very supportive agreement.

Out to the river and then it's end, the fort at the mouth looking out onto the infinite oceans, that floating island fading from sight of its tower where the layabout gods from a distance still appear to lay.

The cartographer's craft approaches its high ~

Cartographer - Calling out to them, "Well this is a nice castle then !"

They look up close enough to see clearly.

Prometheus - Wearing old furs and breathing into his fire bundle with a smile as it begins to smoulder again, "That it is."

Atlas - With eyes of joy and sadness that carry the weight of the world, "More than welcome for a spot of tea, your timing was grand."

Prometheus - "We ... were just considering our next adventure."